
How stoma surgery freed me from my terrible teens with Crohn’s disease

Surakhsha Soond recalls her struggles to live with Crohn’s disease as a young teenager and her eventual decision to undergo radical stoma-forming...

How I reconquered life as a police officer, mother and sometime dancer

Juliana Simões recalls how stoma surgery helped her overcome Crohn’s disease and return to an active, happy life with her profession, friends and...

Stoma reversal and bowel function

Jennie Burch explains how to manage changes in bowel function following reversal of a temporary stoma

Finding support

Consultant editor Luciana Podschun introduces the sixth issue of StomaTips with a celebration of ostomy support groups

Be happy—I am

Yvonne Haines tells how getting a permanent colostomy and learning to irrigate has transformed her life for the better

Taking care of the skin around your stoma

Lisa Hall provides a guide to looking after peristomal skin, keeping it clean and knowing when to seek advice on solving problems and using the right...

Surviving bowel cancer: so you’ve got a stoma

Jennie Burch covers what you need to know if you have an ostomy formed as part of surgery for colorectal cancer

Healthy eating with a stoma: a guide to food, diet and nutrition

Renata Batas reveals how a balanced diet can keep you healthy and hydrated and a few small changes to what you eat can keep your stoma under control

Prescription problems: NHS formularies and their effect on ostomates

Nathan Wheeler shares how NHS cost-saving restrictions affected his stoma care prescription and how he makes sure he gets all the stoma products he...

Sex after surgery: getting intimate when you have an ostomy

Shelley Lawes discusses the role of open communication and body confidence in fulfilling sexual relationships for people with a stoma

My stoma-friendly wedding

Gemma Evans describes how she made her marriage ceremony inclusive for people with an ostomy or inflammatory bowel disease

Ostomy online: loving yourself

Sahara Fleetwood-Beresford reports from the online stoma community on the value of self-care for achieving self-confidence

Breaking up, an analogy

Luciana Podschun recalls the most difficult decision of her life

Pageantry with purpose: from stoma surgery to catwalk confidence

Jessica Mary Logan describes her challenging journey to a J-pouch that led her to establish a pageant to inspire body confidence in people with...