Vicky Buckley writes about her inspiring fitness and competing journey, which led her to take part in the Pure Elite Amateur show this year
Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association (IA) tells readers about the incredible support it receives from its members and the vital difference this makes
Sarah Russell guides readers through how to reintroduce exercise into their life after stoma surgery
Find out all about Buttony Bear and how the charity A Bear Named Buttony helps children across the UK
Find out all about how the Urostomy Association (UA) can help those who have a urostomy or another form of urinary diversion
Enjoy Abigail Marie’s traditional apple cider with this recipe designed with ostomates in mind
My road to ileostomy surgery
Colostomy UK introduces their awareness campaign and how they’re trying to make facilities better for ostomates
Andrew Wakefield tells StomaTips how he defied expectations when got his ostomy. Not only continuing his fitness journey, but thriving
Consultant Editor, Luciana Podschun, shares her personal experiences of travelling with a stoma
Guts UK is the charity for the digestive system and is the only UK charity funding research into the digestive system from top to tail; the gut, liver and pancreas
This month, Illeostomy and Internal Pouch Association discusses the key information needed when travelling