Gut Together

Letting go of things

Luciana Podschun describes her summer during the heatwave and how she has found a new place to live.

Back on the court: hosting international basketball with a stoma

Eric Douglin tells how he bounced back from emergency bowel resection to host the World Club Basketball Tournament

Gutsy Mum on holiday

Gutsy Mum Rachel Allen describes how she managed both her and her son’s stomas on a seaside holiday, with useful tips and tricks for fellow ostomates

Race to parliament for people with a stoma

Shabnam Ali reports on the ‘Stomas in Parliament’ relay race to raise awareness of ostomy issues among UK MPs

Unspoken rosebud my ileostomy journey

Helinka Carr describes how stoma surgery encouraged her to put her sewing skills into launching an ostomy-friendly fashion brand.

In search of lost time

Luciana describes life after COVID-19, travelling to visit her family in Brazil and the importance of making memories with our loved ones.

Loving life as a stoma care nurse with an ileostomy

Silvia Karina Moreira Seifert charts a life that has taken her from Crohn’s disease to an ostomy and a nursing career in Brazil and Chile

Staying strong

Luciana Podschun introduces the autumn 2021 issue of StomaTips

Caring for ourselves

Luciana Podschun introduces the 7th issue of StomaTips

Fearless: how we started No Guts All Glory

Dusty and Andrea Sibley tell how they were inspired to establish a charity to help other people going through bowel surgery

Grin and bear it: finding confidence and purpose with an ileostomy

Kelly Moss tells how her ileostomy helped her reclaim a normal life, and how, after a difficult diagnosis, she renewed her sense of purpose, one bear at a time

Finding support

Consultant editor Luciana Podschun introduces the sixth issue of StomaTips with a celebration of ostomy support groups