Stoma Stories

Finding a purpose: using my stoma journey to help other ostomates

André Estrela turned his Crohn’s disease diagnosis into a positive force, becoming an ostomy influencer and creating the support platform ‘Ostomia em Foco’

Stoma story: ‘the kid with a bag’

Oliver Kaye, known online as @thekidwithabag looks back at his stoma journey and how he uses his social media to empower himself and his followers

Returning to work following stoma formation

Amy Geering discusses how she navigated the workplace as an ostomate and offers some advice to StomaTip’s readers

‘Superliving’ with my ostomy

Damaris Morais talks about how her life experiences have only become more fulfilling since getting her ostomy

Competing as an ostomate with inflamatory bowel disease

Vicky Buckley writes about her inspiring fitness and competing journey, which led her to take part in the Pure Elite Amateur show this year

My road to ileostomy surgery

My road to ileostomy surgery

Defying the limits

Andrew Wakefield tells StomaTips how he defied expectations when got his ostomy. Not only continuing his fitness journey, but thriving

Expecting the unexpected: travelling with a stoma

Consultant Editor, Luciana Podschun, shares her personal experiences of travelling with a stoma

Finding joy in the colostomy storm

Desiree Montalvo-Holt shares her story of triumph over adversity, offering hope and guidance to others facing their own health storms

Triumph over colorectal cancer: a journey of hope and resilience

Renata Ivanković shares her experience battling colorectal cancer and the challenges of living with a stoma

Living with a stoma since birth

Kelsey talks about her inspiring journey with an ileostomy, her fight against online censorship and valuable tips to make living with an ostomy easier and more efficient

Going quarterly

Luciana Podschun celebrates Stoma Tip's 3-year anniversary, reflecting on its growth and international recognition. It will now be available quarterly, providing a platform for diverse stories of...