StomaTips is the magazine for Ostomates

Full of practical advice and inspiring stories to help ostomates live with comfort and confidence. StomaTips is free to read online and in print. Individual readers can subscribe using the link below to receive the magazine. Charities, clinics and support groups can email us with their name, address and requested number of copies.

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Stoma story: ‘the kid with a bag’

Oliver Kaye, known online as @thekidwithabag looks back at his stoma journey and how he uses his social media to empower himself and his followers

Nourishing your wellness: essential stoma nutrition

Beth Coldrick lists her easily digestible nutrition tips for ostomates

Finding a purpose: using my stoma journey to help other ostomates

André Estrela turned his Crohn’s disease diagnosis into a positive force, becoming an ostomy influencer and creating the support platform ‘Ostomia em Foco’

Stoma story: ‘the kid with a bag’

Oliver Kaye, known online as @thekidwithabag looks back at his stoma journey and how he uses his social media to empower himself and his followers

Things I wish I had been told before my surgery

Richard Biddle talks to Colostomy UK volunteer, Debs, about the many different things she wishes she was told before her stoma surgery

What can I eat now that I have a stoma?

Jennie Burch explores the available resources guiding ostomates on their diet and offers nutritional advice

Keep calm: how to manage stress when living with an ostomy

Feeling anxious after stoma surgery or stressed about ostomy issues? Gemma Harris talks to experts, who reveal what you can do to relieve these worries